A Smart Phone can do so many exciting and incredible things that it is no wonder that they are called smart phones. Classic Lawns now gives you even more things to do with your smart phone. Do you want to know what that weed is in your lawn, what that brown spot is or what bug is eating your shrub? Use your smart phone to snap a picture of anything around your lawn or landscape that you have a question about and send it to us. We will text you back with the answer and if need be enter a service call into our system to come by and fix it! It is almost like magic!
Get Smart… With Your Smart Phone
Do you have a great picture of your lawn, a beautiful shot of a flower or a pretty photo of a tree? We want to see your photos. Send us your photos of your beautiful Classic Lawns lawn, trees or landscaping. We would love to see them. Plus, if we use your picture on our Facebook page or website we will give you $5.00 off your next application! Now you can even make money with your smart phone!
Speaking of Facebook…Have you “liked us’ yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Go to www.facebook.com/classiclawns and like us NOW. We post all kinds of tips, facts and fun photos there to help you have a great lawn! We are also on twitter, you tube, instagram and linked in!
Not quite as tech savvy yet? You can contact us or text us, too! Or, just use your phone the old fashion way and call us!
Classic Lawns 207 Classywood Dr. Rogersville, MO 65742