Classic Lawns

Cary’s Corner – What’s Really Important?

Cary’s Corner – What’s Really Important? I’ve been doing this lawn care thing for a long time. I started way back in 1992 working for one of those big national chains. This year is the 10th year I’ve owned my own business. It is how I have made a living my entire adult life. So, […]

Cary’s Corner – St. Patrick’s Day with Elvis?

Cary’s Corner – St. Patrick’s Day with Elvis? St. Patrick’s Day was always a big deal around my home when I was young. You wouldn’t think so with the last name of Carlson, but my mom’s maiden name was Riley and I am a direct descendant of Patrick O’Riley from Galaway, Ireland. Patrick was forced […]

Cary’s Corner – Superheroes and Real Superheroes

Cary’s Corner – Superheroes and Real Superheroes Superheroes are fun.  I have a lot of fun with our ‘grasscot’ Fez Q. Grass and our GRASSMAN characters.  If you have not checked out our short animated videos on our website, please go watch them  and share them with your friends.  You can also find our characters […]


DECEMBER 2013 When I was growing up, going to Grandma Riley’s house for Christmas often rivaled the gifts.  My grandma lived in a little Kansas town called Fort Scott.  At Christmas my family would load up the old station wagon and head to grandmas.  I would sleep most of the way there until the station […]

Cary’s Corner – Football, Baseball & Seeding

SEPTEMBER 2013 42, 15, blue, hut, HUT!  Fall kicks of the football season and this year my Kansas City Chiefs might have a chance to be decent!  Football starting up means  the summer is ending.  The days start getting shorter, the mornings are cooler and before you know it will be dark before 5pm.  I […]

Cary’s Corner – Dentists and Lawn Guys are the Same!

AUGUST 2013 There are two dates a year that I absolutely dread.  There are actually three if you count April 15th-  Stop the TAXES!  Like many people, I am not a big fan of going to the dentist.  The two teeth cleaning appointments a year that you are supposed to go to cause a bit […]

Cary’s Corner – Do We Need Another Superhero?

MARCH 2013 I have been doing this lawn thing since 1992 when I was just a young 24 year old that thought he knew it all.  Most of those 21 years of work were spent working by myself.  So, blame it on too much time alone with my thoughts, but I’ve done it again.  Last […]

A New Lawn

Watering a newly seeded lawn is the most crucial step in the seeding process.  If the new seed dries…it dies!  The best way to determine if you are watering properly is to monitor the soil.  The soil should stay chocolate colored continually for the first 3 to 4 weeks.  If the soil is not chocolate […]

Keep Your Blade Sharp

Be sure to keep your mower blade sharp.  A dull blade rips my tips leaving them brown.  This makes me look off color.  Also, when my blades are ripped it creates openings that make it easier for disease to enter.  Sharpen your blade 3 times a year – the beginning of the spring, summer and […]


FALL 2012   I’ve never been a big planner.  I am more of a “go with the flow” kind of guy.  Now don’t get me wrong, I do make plans.  I route out each day of work. I set up things to do on the weekends.   I even mark big events on my calendar.  However, […]