Cary’s Corner – What’s Really Important? Part 2

Cary’s Corner What’s Really Important? Part 2 The end of yet another year approaches. It seems as though 2016 has been a tumultuous year for most of us. So many crazy events have taken place; the wild election, police officer shootings, racial unrest, ISIS, Syria, Wikileaks, and all those celebrity deaths. If you let it […]
Cary’s Corner – Brown Patch Disease Alert

Cary’s Corner – Brown Patch Disease Alert Have you seen all those videos all over Facebook and other social media outlets where somebody’s hands are making some delicious meal or dessert? They always look delicious and so easy to make. Well, Mother Nature is mixing up a not too friendly recipe for our lawns right […]
Cary’s Corner – Johnsongrass

Cary’s Corner – Johnsongrass At Classic Lawns we have a motto of Growing Grass and Smoking Weeds! While this motto is a fun, tongue in cheek slogan for what we do, there are some weeds that we have trouble “smoking.” While the list of weeds that Classic Lawns cannot control (without harming your good grass) […]
Cary’s Corner – 5 Things Lawn Companies Wish You Knew About Our Early Spring Application

Cary’s Corner – 5 Things Lawn Companies Wish You Knew About Our Early Spring Application Usually we ease in to spring! Winter sticks around and slaps us around a few times in March and even in to April. Not this year! We really didn’t even have a winter and that groundhog varmint was actually right […]
Cary’s Corner – Referrals, DIY Mistakes and Procrastination!

Refer Your Friends for FREE Applications, but DON’T Wait! Classic Lawns is always looking for more great customers like you! Help us grow by telling a friend, a neighbor or a family member about us! When your friend signs up for at least 5 Classic Lawns lawn applications… YOU GET A FREE LAWN APPLICATION! Who […]
Cary’s Corner – Death to Bermuda Grass

Death to Bermuda Grass ZOMBIES – I am a fan of Zombie movies and tv shows. I have seen them all from “Dawn of the Dead” to “The Walking Dead”. The common theme in all Zombie movies is that the dead rise again and torment the living. Unfortunately, Bermuda grass is the Zombie of all […]
Cary’s Corner – Rain, Rain GO AWAY!

Rain, Rain GO AWAY! It is a Wednesday and it is raining…AGAIN! I am sitting at a computer writing about grass when I should be out taking care of grass. However, I am once again rained out. 2015 is shaping up to be one of the wettest years ever. 1993 might be the only year […]
Cary’s Corner – Brown Patch Disease

Brown Patch Disease Have you noticed your lawn turning brown even though we have had plenty of rain? Well, the excessive rain is causing the problem. Brown Patch Disease has become rampant in area lawns. Brown Patch Disease is caused by a fungus that is in the air all the time and just takes the […]
Cary’s Corner – Summertime!

Summertime! I love the Summer. It is filled with tons of fun activities. Summer is the time for lakes, rivers, beaches and vacations. Baseball is in full swing. Shorts, tank tops and flip flops are the uniform of the season. Hot sun filled days and warm starry nights fill my soul. When we were kids […]
Cary’s Corner – Got Moles? Quit Blaming Grubs!

Got Moles? Quit Blaming Grubs! If I had a dollar for every time I was asked if I could kill moles, I’d be hanging out with Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. Then undoubtedly the next question I am asked is, “What can you do to get rid of the grubs so the moles will go […]