Classic Lawns

Why We Test Your Soil (And Why It Matters!)

At ClassicLawns, we believe in science-backed lawn care, not guesswork. Many companies take a one-size-fits-all approach, automatically adding lime to every lawn without testing—but lime isn’t always the right solution. We’ve encountered lawns that seemed to need lime, but testing showed they actually needed sulfur, which does the opposite! The wrong amendment can make lawn problems worse, not better.

Recently, we’ve found several lawns around Springfield that are low in phosphorus, a key nutrient for root development and turf health. Without a soil test, issues like this go unnoticed, leading to poor results and wasted treatments. That’s why soil testing is included with our Classic Plan—so we can apply exactly what your lawn needs. If you’re not on the Classic Plan, a soil test is available for $50.00, and all samples go to a highly respected professional lab, the same kind universities use for turf research.

Once we get the results, we don’t just hand you a report—we create a custom amendment plan to improve your soil and lawn. The result? Healthier soil, stronger grass, and long-term success.

Soil Amendments: Giving Your Lawn Exactly What It Needs

Once we’ve tested your soil, we take the next step—correcting any imbalances with targeted soil amendments. This service is included with our Classic Plan because healthy soil is the foundation of a great lawn. If your lawn needs lime, sulfur, or phosphorus, we apply it in just the right amount to bring your soil into balance.

But what if your soil test shows that all nutrients are already in the ideal range? That’s great news! In this case, we recommend applying a humic acid product, which helps grass absorb and utilize nutrients more efficiently. This leads to stronger roots, improved soil structure, and a healthier, darker green lawn.

Cary & Suzanne at a Sertoma Chili Cook Off

HUMIC ACID: Not That Kind of Acid… But Your Lawn Will Trip Over How Green It Gets!

When people hear “acid,” they usually think of something dangerous. But just like citric acid in orange juice and phosphoric acid in soda, humic acid is completely harmless—and actually great for your lawn!

What is Humic Acid?
Humic acid is an organic compound formed from decomposed plant material. It’s found in rich, healthy soil and plays a key role in making nutrients more available to plants. Think of it as a natural supercharger for your lawn’s root system.

How Does It Work?
Humic acid helps unlock nutrients in the soil, making them easier for your grass to absorb. It also improves soil structure, allowing roots to grow deeper and stronger while helping the soil retain moisture.

Why Your Lawn Loves Humic Acid:
Better Nutrient Absorption – It binds nutrients in the soil so your grass can use them more efficiently.
Improved Soil Health – Helps soil stay loose and well-aerated, creating better conditions for root growth.
Increased Water Retention – Reduces runoff and improves drought resistance.
Boosted Microbial Activity – Encourages beneficial microbes that naturally improve soil quality.

In short, humic acid is like a natural multivitamin for your lawn, helping it grow stronger, greener, and healthier. No scary side effects—just better soil and better grass!