Classic Lawns

Cary’s Corner – Summer of ’22 – Welcome to Death Valley!

Summer of ’22 – Welcome to Death Valley!   I had a pet lizard once.  His name was Vinnie.  Vinnie liked his home to be hot, dry and filled with sand.  Thanks to Mother Nature we all now know what it is like to live in Death Valley.  I have been doing this lawn thing since […]

Cary’s Corner – @*#% Inflation!

 @*#% Inflation! I usually attempt to be light hearted and funny in these posts, but sadly there just isn’t anything to laugh about when it comes to the current inflation issue. If you have been to the gas station, bought groceries, or taken a breath you know that everything costs more these days.  The lawn […]

Cary’s Corner – Be Polite

Dear Abby…err Cary. Is no one polite anymore? I am probably showing my age with the Dear Abby reference.  You young ones Google her.  I am going to step on my soap box for a minute here so bear with me.  (Young people are now Googling soap box.)  Politeness is dying. My mom and my grandma taught me […]

Cary’s Corner – The Middle Child

Being a Middle Child I am a middle child.  My wife would tell you that I am the poster child for all middle children.  According to Wikipedia, Middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are excluded, ignored or even outright neglected because of their birth order.  Being in the middle is never fun.  No one ever […]